My exciting 2020 (or Where have I been?).

Well, we all know what else happened in 2020, but I had just a couple other adventures that made 2020 a banner year.

First, in July I fell at work, and this happened:

Elbow after surgery

I had two stays in the hospital and ended up having one surgery on my elbow and three on my knee (I’ll spare you the pictures of my knee, let’s just say it looked like it was stung by a jellyfish and leave it at that).

Then about a month later, Iowa was hit with a massive line of thunderstorms called a derecho and this happened:

Tree on house

So, we’ve been living in a rental house for the last nine months (much better than a hotel), while our house was pretty much completely rebuilt. We are hoping to move back in near the end of September of 2021.

We are all doing okay, but I haven’t had much time or opportunities for hobbies 🙂 Here’s hoping your 2020 was safer, healthier, and more prosperous.