Here is the Kubernetes dashboard for the cluster:

Here is the Kubernetes dashboard for the cluster:
I’ve updated my Kubernetes cluster so that the Raspberry Pis are now isolated from the rest of my home network and all the components are running off an Anker 10 port USB Charging Hub. This included the following additions:
This should make the whole setup somewhat more portable.
The addition of the 10 port USB charging hub allowed me to eliminate nine AC adapters and two power strips.
I’m thinking about purchasing a cheap carrying case with a foam insert so I can cart the whole thing around.
Patience is a virtue! Finally there are released versions of Kubernetes, Docker, and Weave that actually work together on the Raspberry Pi!
So when I said I had Kubernetes running on a four node Raspberry Pi 3 B+ cluster, I didn’t realize how complex a task it would turn out to be!
I had been following the instructions by Alex Ellis, but it turns out the latest version of Docker and Kubernetes doesn’t run well on the RPi 3 B+. I had to downgrade them to previous versions.
Then there were issues with the network stack. I tried Weave as recommended by Alex, but that didn’t work, so I switched to Flannel. I was then able to get the markdown to HTML converter example running. However, when I went to try setting up a dashboard I couldn’t get that to run because of issues with Flannel. Maybe I’ll try Calico next?
As for the hardware, I’ve added three more Pi’s to make a seven node cluster (one master and six workers).
I’ll have to spend some more time searching google and reading the K8s documentation to figure this one out.
I’ve started on a new project: To learn more about containers. Specifically, Docker and Kubernetes.
To do so I’ve built a small Kubernetes Cluster using four Raspberry Pi 3 B+s (see below). Eventually, I would like to expand it to seven Raspberry Pis.
I’ve been following the instructions created by Alex Ellis.
So far I have the cluster up and running. Now it’s time to do some more reading!
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